Occupancy Sensor

  • Detects changes in the infrared energy given off by occupants of a room as they move within the viewable field of the sensor.
  • The sensor detects the heat given off by the human body as it moves in and out of the beams, and activates lights.
  • The sensors are fine-tuned to detect small motions.
  • Automatically detecting: Light will be on when people enter the detecting area the light will be time delayed off when people leave the detecting area. – Light control reaction adjustable: You can set up day and night time detecting or night time detecting only.
  • Automatically time delayed (constantly time delayed mode): When there is movement in the detecting area, the delayed time continues, when people leave the detecting area, the time delayed function will be closed.
  • Delayed time adjustable: 3-500 seconds delayed time adjustable (Custom design is open).
  • Self detecting function: The light will be on and off for three times when it is powered the first time, if the light does not be on and off for three times, the wire connection may be not correct.
  • Type: Controller, Receiver, Decoder
  • Input Voltage: Low Voltage
  • Rating: Damp
  • Product Number: OS-DC-F4-BK
